Seitei Touho

- Seitei touho
Japan Battodo Federation (JBF) Seitei touho
There are ten katas (techniques) in Japan Battodo federation known as the Seitei touho, all the dan examinations and competitions are held by judging according to the degree of perfection of the techniques.
①上段先取り(じょだんさきどり) Jodansakidori
Jodan Preemption
From an still posture (natural stance), quietly take hold of the sword with both hands to draw from the ‘Koiguchi’, then after drawing the sword and hold it in the Chudan Kamae. After that, take a Hidari Jodan No Kamae to close the gap with the opponent, detect the opponent’s thrust, step forward with the right foot diagonally to the right at the same time dodge enemy’s cut with moving of the body and quickly cut the opponent’s left chin. After the cut, the right leg is pulled back to assume Hidari Jodan No Kamae to show Zanshin. As you move your left foot back, release the left hand from the Tsuka and place it on the left hip over the belt at the same time perform Kesa No Furi Oroshite Chiburi (large action shedding the blood from the sword from the Jodan position with the sword cutting down the angel of Kesa.) and Noto.
②左払い左袈裟(ひだりばらいひだりけさ)Hidaribarai Hidarikesa
Left Sweep Left Diagonal Cut
Hold the sword in the Chudan Kamae, close the gap, step out with the left foot and at the same time quickly swing up, sweep the opponent’s sword to the left, step forward diagonally to the right with the right foot at the same time dodge enemy’s cut with moving of the body and cut down with the left Kesa from the opponent’s left shoulder. Your legs should be in an inverted Kanji character eight, bend both knees equally shallowly, and cut should stop to at waist height. Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.
③右払い小手 (みぎばらいこて) Migibarai Kote
Right Sweep Forearm Cut
Hold the sword in the Chudan Kamae, close the gap with using Okuriashi, at the same time sweep up to the opponent’s right to clear the sword, then take another step forward with the left foot and cut off the opponent’s right forearm. Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.
④左面・右袈裟 (ひだりめん・みぎけさ) Hidarimen Migikesa
Left Chin • Right Diagonal Cut
Hold the sword in the Chudan Kamae, close the gap then step out with the left foot and at the same time quickly sweep the opponent’s sword to the left and upwards, right foot step forward diagonally to the right, at the same time dodge enemy’s cut with moving of the body and cut the opponent’s left chin. Returning the sword to the cutting position by swinging it widely, at the same time stepping forward with the left foot and cut down with right Kesa to the waist hight. Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.
⑤右面・左袈裟 (みぎめん・ひだりけさ) Migimen Hidarikesa
Right Chin • Left Diagonal Cut
Hold the sword in the Chudan Kamae, close the gap then step out with the right foot and at the same time quickly sweep the opponent’s sword to the right and upwards, left foot step forward diagonally to the left, at the same time dodge enemy’s cut with moving of the body and cut the opponent’s right chin. Returning the sword to the cutting position by swinging it widely, at the same time stepping forward with the left foot and slashing down with right Kesa to the waist hight. Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.
⑥左袈裟・胴 (ひだりけさ・どう) Hidarikesa Do
Left Diagonal • Torso Cut
Hold the sword in the Chudan Kamae, close the gap then step out with the right foot and at the same time quickly sweep the opponent’s sword to the right and upwards, left foot step forward diagonally to the left, at the same time dodge enemy’s cut with moving of the body and cut the opponent’s right chin. Returning the sword to the cutting position by swinging it widely, at the same time stepping forward with the left foot and slashing down with right Kesa to the waist hight. Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.
⑦逆袈裟・袈裟 (ぎゃくけさ・けさ) Gyakukesa Kesa
Reverse diagonal • Diagonal cut
Hold the sword in the Chudan Kamae, close the gap then step out with the right foot and at the same time quickly sweep the opponent’s sword to the right, take a left Waki Gamae while putting out the left foot, step forward with the right foot diagonally and at the same time cut upwards with the right Gyakukesa(Reverse diagonal). After the cut then reverse the cut down with a left Kesa by dropping the hips.
Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.
⑧抜き打ち・突き (ぬきうち・つき) Nukiuci Tsuki
Sudden Draw • Thrust
As soon as you are in the right distance, take hold of the sword with both hands with your left foot in front then step forward with your right foot towards the opponent and, at the same time, cut the opponent’s right neck with a onehanded cut.
Step back with your left and right feet, immediately take a Chudan Kamae, step forward with your right foot and thrust the opponent in the solar plexus with both hands.
As in the Ipponme, the Hidari Jodan No Kamae is taken to show Zanshin, As you move your left foot back, release the left hand from the Tsuka and place it on the left hip over the belt at the same time do Kesa No Furi Oroshite Chiburi.
⑨三段斬り 右面・左袈裟・胴 (さんだんぎり みぎめん•ひだりけさ•どう) Sandangiri Migimen Hidarikesa Do
Right Chin • Left diagonal • Torso cut
In the basic stance, advance from the right foot, hands on to the sword in front of the left foot, step forward with the right foot and simultaneously cut the opponent’s right side with a one-handed cut.
Then with both hands, cut down the opponent’s left shoulder in a left Kesa line, place the sword against left hip and cut horizontally through the opponent’s right body.
After cutting in the left Kesa line then cut to the right torso will follow instantly without any stopping.
Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.
⑩三段斬り 斬り上げ・左袈裟・胴 (さんだんぎり きりあげ•ひだりけさ• どう) Sandangiri Kiriage Hidarikesa Do
Cut Upwards • Left Diagonal • Torso Cut
In the basic stance, advance from the right foot, hands on to the sword in front of the left foot. Turn the scabbard so that the blade edge is facing downwards.
At the same time as stepping forward with the right foot, cut upwards with the right hand performing right reverse Kesa, followed by cutting down the opponent’s left shoulder in left Kesa line, place the sword against left hip and cut horizontally through the opponent’s right body.
After cutting down in the left Kesa line then cut to the right torso will follow instantly without any stopping.
Take three steps back, while stepping back lower the Kissaki to point the Kissaki at the fallen opponent to show Zanshin, then perform Yoko Chiburi and Noto.